“By Invitation Only” An Homage To Ellen Von Unwerth
From the editor in chief: By Invitation Onlyan Homage to Ellen Von Unwerth “How does one pay tribute to an icon—a living dream incarnate?” As I pondered the words to grace the pages of our Fall issue, my heart whispered the name Ellen Von Unwerth, a luminary whose...
It’s not every day that you get to sit down and enjoy a glass of wine with an iconic photographer like Greg Kadel who is loved not only by me, but the entire creative community. This was a long awaited dream come true. As the Editor in Chief of Faddy Magazine USA, I...
Editors Note: The Winter 2022/2023 Imagine Issue
Editors Note: The Winter 2022/2023 Imagine Issue Editor's Notes by Candice Solomon Publisher & Editor In Chief, FADDY MAGAZINE USA Imagine Verb (used with object), im·ag·ined, im·ag·in·ing. to form a mental image of (something not actually present to the senses)....
From The Editor In Chief: The Evolution Issue Fall 2022
Many of you might ask why I named this issue Evolution?
We have all come through almost three years of continuous change. My feeling is we have all come full circle in some kind of way in our evolutionary process. Some of us have lost, some gained all been affected both spiritually and/or emotionally in an exponential way.
When I think of everything that this world has been going through and has survived I think of the world “Evolution.”